Transit Operator Development Course

Transit Operator Development Course

Empowering Drivers with TAPTCO’s Expert Transit Operator Training

The quality and effectiveness of your operator training are essential to the success of your operation, providing the foundation for all your activities.

This course offers high-quality training videos for transit bus drivers, featuring a variety of narrators and experienced drivers. It focuses on the safest practices, ensuring that drivers perform correctly from the very first time and consistently thereafter.

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Training Courses Includes

  • 33 Video Based Training Programs
  • Training Syllabus
  • Creating a Safety Culture Guide
  • Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan Guide
  • Safety Management System Guide
  • Classroom Trainers Guide
  • Behind-the-Wheel Trainers Guide
  • Large Operator Study Guide – Intended for New Hires
  • Small Operator Study Guide (6 Subjects) – Intended for existing drivers or retraining

  • Operator Daily Performance Checklist

  • Mastery Test, Answer Sheet & Certificate

  • 14 Posters Reinforcing Safety Practices and Behaviors

Group 1 – Federal Regulations

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson

This program is to introduce professional driving and explains the methodology and content of the training.

Outcomes We Seek

The goal is to make trainees comfortable with the process and reduce their anxiety. Not knowing what is

coming next, the length and methodology of the training, as well as regular feedback are all ways that create anxiety in new trainees. Regular open discussion makes the training process more successful.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson

This is the first and most important foundational program in the course. This program explains the definition of safety, the definition of risk, where risk comes from, and the actions operators can take to remove or reduce risk.

Outcomes We Seek

After completing this program, the trainees should fully understand every concept of safety and the actions they can take to remove or reduce risk and operate safely.

Group 2 – Safety & Defensive Driving

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
This is the first and most important foundational program in the course. This program explains the definition of safety, the definition of risk, where risk comes from, and the actions operators can take to remove or reduce risk.

Outcomes We Seek
After completing this program, the trainees should fully understand every concept of safety and the actions they can take to remove or reduce risk and operate safely.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson

Defensive driving is fundamental in safely operating a bus. This program will explain that defensive driving means to be prepared for everything ahead of you and around you so that you allow yourself extra room and time to react, even when others make mistakes.

Outcomes We Seek

That all trainees understand and follow the practices of LLLC – Look Ahead, Look Around, Leave Room & Communicate to remove or reduce risk as they operate the bus.

Under the new FTA requirements, agencies are required to identify, assess and mitigate hazards. This program presents each of the 18 safe behaviors detailed on the poster and explains the importance of following these. And how to do so.

Group 3 – About the Bus

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson

There are many differences between driving a bus and driving a car. This program seeks to explain these

differences and explain the actions to safely maneuver the far larger vehicle.

Outcomes We Seek

That operators learn about the bus and its features, the capabilities and limitations and what they can do to be comfortable in operating the vehicle.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson

This program teaches the importance of thorough Pre & Post Trip Inspections and explains how to perform these inspections properly.

Outcomes We Seek

That the trainees understand the importance of performing a thorough Pre & Post Trip Inspection every day. That they understand the importance of doing these inspections the same way, every day and they know how to perform them and to maintain current, accurate documentation.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
Maneuvering a bus requires exact judgement on where and when to start turns and where to locate the bus in a lane. By correctly adjusting the mirrors and using reference points, operators can safely operate the bus in any situation.

Outcomes We Seek
That trainees understand the importance of properly adjusted mirrors and how they should be set. That trainees know how to set the five reference points and when to use them.

Group 4 – Driving Situations

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
Over 30% of all accidents are rear end collisions. These are the easiest accidents to avoid. This program tries to persuade drivers to slow down and stay back at least four seconds at all times.

Outcomes We Seek
Our goal is to reduce the risk created by hazards. Following too closely is one of those hazards. Safety is freedom from risk, and in this program, trainees will learn how to reduce the risks associated with following too closely.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
Most accidents happen at intersections There are several practices that reduce the risk and this program will explain those actions.

Outcomes We Seek
That trainees use the safe practices detailed on the poster to reduce the risk at intersections. These are:
Look ahead, look around, leave room, communicate, not speeding, not rushing, rock & rolling, using mirrors & reference points, not being distracted, stopping at stop signs, slowing for conditions and not being fatigued.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
Some states or agencies require their buses to stop at all railroad crossings to make sure that the tracks are clear before they start to cross. If this applies to your location, advise the trainees. If the bus is required to stop at railroad crossings, it should stop at least 15 feet from the crossing and no more than 50 feet.

Outcomes We Seek
The goal is to remove or reduce the risks associated with the hazards created by railroad crossings. The outcome we want to achieve is that all operators will know how to safely cross all types of railroad crossings.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
A bus is a large heavy vehicle and if it encounters pedestrians or cyclists, the results can be tragic. Being a large vehicle, there are many places pedestrians or cyclists can be, some of them difficult to see from the driver’s seat. This program is to provide the practices to minimize these risks.

Outcomes We Seek
That operators regularly check the mirrors and are continually looking around, including rocking and rolling, so they can ensure the areas around the bus are free from the risk of hitting a pedestrian or cyclist. If an operator is unsure where a pedestrian or cyclist is, they should not move the bus until they are sure no one is at risk.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
A bus is so large, it has many more blind spots than a car. In fact, when backing, there are areas around the bus you cannot see at all. This program is to teach the operators to avoid backing if possible and, if not, use a spotter or GOAL.

Outcomes We Seek
That operators understand the extremely high level of risk when backing a bus and are convinced to do all they can to avoid backing. If backing cannot be avoided, they should use a spotter or if no spotter is available, make sure there is nothing behind them, toot the horn and if they have to, Get Out And Look (G.O.A.L.).

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
This program focuses on the hazards of merging, lane changing and passing when driving a large vehicle and explains what can be done to reduce these hazards.

Outcomes We Seek
That trainees understand that if any one of these maneuvers goes wrong, it usually results in a major accident. Trainees need to know the practices to minimize the risk when performing these maneuvers.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
Adverse driving conditions do not cause accidents. It is how the operators react to these conditions that cause accidents. This program will teach how to react to adverse driving conditions to remove or reduce risk.

Outcomes We Seek
That operators accept they can remove or reduce risk by changing their driving practices when they encounter adverse driving conditions, and they know what to do in each possible driving condition.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
Operating electric buses is to the benefit of the operators and their communities. The operator’s actions are important in making the use of electric buses a success. This program will explain how to drive in a way that optimizes the benefits of electric buses.

Outcomes We Seek
The way that the operators drive has a large effect on the range of the bus. Operators need to use regenerative braking whenever possible so that the motor slows down the bus and recharges the batteries.

Group 5 – About the Driver

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
To have the optimum ability to focus on safe driving, operators must be well rested and alert. This program explains the risks of operating a vehicle while fatigued and what to do to prevent this.

Outcomes We Seek
That operators understand their responsibility to only operate a bus while fully alert and awake and to know the actions to take if they feel fatigued while driving.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
There are many distractions that can take an operators mind of the primary function of safely operating the bus. This program is to train operators how they can avoid such distractions.

Outcomes We Seek
That operators are aware of the many possibilities of being distracted and learn not to allow these to take their mind off the primary function of focusing on the driving.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
There are a few hazardous materials in the transportation industry. This program is to make sure operators know about these hazardous materials and how to protect themselves from them.

Outcomes We Seek
That operators understand which materials are hazardous and what they can do to protect themselves from these hazards.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
Some employees are injured from slips, trips, or falls. This program is to explain why trips, slips and falls happen and what can be done to prevent them.

Outcomes We Seek
That the operators understand the actions they can take to reduce the likelihood of slipping, tripping, or falling.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
The primary function is getting to the correct destination safely and in a timely manner. To accomplish this, you need to know what roads to take and where to stop. This program will explain how to read maps and use GPS to navigate to destinations.

Outcomes We Seek
It is important to be able to use a map or GPS to understand where you are and where you’re going. In this program, we will talk about reading maps and using GPS, so you can get to your destinations on time, using the most efficient route possible.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
To operate the safest transportation requires diligence from everyone at the location. This program explains how to use an Employee Safety Reporting Program to work together to create the safest transportation possible.

Outcomes We Seek
That operators understand their role in communicating any unsafe practices or conditions to management and that they understand the process at your location to do this.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
A healthy lifestyle is important for many reasons. This program will help understand the factors that contribute to wellness including diet, exercise, rest and stress relief.

Outcomes We Seek
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an important part of being a professional bus operator. This program is to encourage operators to follow healthy practices, so they are fit, able, and willing to be the safest operator possible.

Group 6 – About the Passengers

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
As professional bus operators, the goal is to provide excellent customer service and exhibit professionalism in everything we do. We offer a service, and our passengers may have other options. We need to make their use of our transportation as enjoyable and least stressful as possible.

Outcomes We Seek
That operators understand how important good service is and how to meet or exceed customers’ expectations.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
There will be occasions when the operator must deal with conflicts and aggression from passengers. This program teaches the practices of Verbal Judo to train operators on how to address such situations.

Outcomes We Seek
That operators understand the four techniques of Verbal Judo to diffuse any conflict or aggressive situations.

Group 7 – Americans with Disabilities

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
We must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA outlines the rights of passengers with disabilities. Passengers with disabilities must be respected and assisted when riding the bus.

Outcomes We Seek
We need to do what we can to help everyone receive safe, comfortable transportation with minimal issues and problems. To do this, we need to understand some of their challenges and how to respectfully communicate with passengers who have special needs, or are elderly, while being sensitive and offering to help. We must always comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA, which outlines the rights of passengers with disabilities.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
There are many types of mobility devices, and far more people are using them. A mobility device is any assistive device that facilitates individual human transportation. Examples include wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs, scooters, canes and walkers. This program is to train operators in the safe transportation and securement of these devices.

Outcomes We Seek
To help transport passengers with mobility aids, many buses are equipped with ramps, securement devices and some buses have wheelchair lifts. This program is to ensure operators understand the correct procedures to load and secure these devices.

Group 8 – Additional Programs

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
A whistleblower is a person who publicly alleges concealed misconduct on the part of an organization or body of people, usually from within that organization. This may:

  1. Be a violation of a rule, regulation and/or,
  2. Be a direct threat to public interest, such as fraud, health, corruption, or safety violations.

Whistleblowers may make their allegations internally to other people within the organization, or, externally to law enforcement agencies, to the media or to groups concerned with the issues. This program is to explain the rights of an employee who may be a whistleblower.

Outcomes We Seek
That operators understand their rights as a whistleblower and how and to whom to report any concerns.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
As professionals, we are committed to conducting ourselves with the highest ethical and professional standards. This ensures effective operations, compliance with the law, and a safe and respectful working environment for everyone. This program is to teach the operators how to prevent harassment and to never harass passengers or allow harassment by passengers.

Outcomes We Seek

  1. Preventing Harassment in the workplace.
  2. Never harass passengers or allow harassment by passengers.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
There is absolutely NO place for drugs or alcohol in passenger transportation. Not only do such substances increase the risk to the passengers since it affects driver behavior, but it is also against the law. This program is to teach the group that they should NEVER have drugs or alcohol in their system and there are consequences if they do.

Outcomes We Seek
That NO operator EVER has drugs or alcohol in their system while operating a bus.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
The operator may occasionally encounter a situation where they could be exposed to bloodborne pathogens and other infectious diseases. This program teaches how to minimize this risk.

Outcomes We Seek
That operators understand what bloodborne pathogens and other infectious diseases are and how to protect themselves and other passengers.

Group 9 – Emergency & Accident Procedures

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson
There is always the possibility that an accident or event may require an emergency evacuation of the bus. This program is to explain when to evacuate the bus and how to safely do so.

Outcomes We Seek
That the operator understands that whenever it is safe to do so, the passengers should remain on the bus. But, if the vehicle has to be evacuated, there is a safe procedure to do this.

Main Learning Concepts & Brief Description of Lesson

Being involved in an accident can be very stressful.  This can make it very hard to think clearly and respond appropriately. This program is a to train the correct procedure after an accident.

Outcomes We Seek

That the operator understands what they should do in the event of an accident.

Final Exam