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Comprehensive, Systematic, Integrated Training Courses

Drivers, Leaders, Trainers & Mechanics

Creating a Safety Culture

What is a Safety Culture?

We believe a Safety Culture can be defined as:

“A safety culture exists when a location has created NORMS such that everyone at that location acts in a way, automatically, as a norm, to remove or reduce risk in everything they do. They do it right, the first time, every time.”

To create a safe environment, you need to address:

  1. Knowledge – Clearly train the desired behaviors – that is what the course does.
  2. WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) – Explain why these are the desired behaviors and why it is in the trainee’s best interest to follow these practices.
  3. Consequences – What happens when these practices are not followed?
  4. Professionalism – Any professional driver who causes or contributes to an accident is a failure in their professionalism. No one wants to be a failure.
  5. Leadership – As leaders, you decide the NORMS. It is your job to lead, manage, incentivize and require the drivers to follow these NORMS.

Request this free guide that clearly explains all the steps to instill a safety culture

guide to create safety cultureClick here to request

For over 30 years, the experts at TAPTCO Transit & Paratransit Company have been designing award-winning bus driver training programs with specialties that include fleet operations and safety, industrial psychology, instructional design, and media production. This breakthrough series of safety video programs and study guides for bus driver training are designed by our team of performance improvement experts with specialties that include fleet operations and safety, industrial psychology, instructional design, and media production.


TAPTCO Transit & Paratransit Company

5611 Hudson Drive, Suite 100
Hudson, OH 44236

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